
BLAUWER is an Italian company included in the PEGASO INDUSTRIES Group, present on the national and international market with a range of innovative machines for industrial processes.
BLAUWER designs, manufactures and installs high-efficiency thermodynamic machines for the processing of fluids such as water and air for industrial processes, for applications such as:
- Cooling only;
- Heating only;
- Cooling and heating at the same time;
- Air dehumidifying.
The BLAUWER machines are designed with a focus on energy efficiency, with an eye to innovation and to next generation solutions. Less Waste, More Future is the combination that is at the base of all our projects. The technical innovations introduced by the company help increase the advantages and promote environmental sustainability. The name itself, BLAUWER (bluer), is a sort of wish, because we operate believing that respect for the environment is a non-negotiable ethical priority.
Here are some of the main features of the BLAUWER chillers and heat pumps:
- High energy efficiency in compliance with the new ERP2020 European directives
- High-efficiency, self-adapting compressors
- High-efficiency, low power-consumption fans with flow rectifiers and brushless motors
- Stainless steel pipes, pumps and water tank
- Electronic temperature controllers
- Low refrigerant charges
- Alternative use of natural or low GWP refrigerant gases
Besides its machines, BLAUWER can also offer advice on the creation of turnkey systems thanks to the experience of its technical staff.