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Perotec Sistems d.o.o. osnovan je 2015. godine sa ciljem da pruži napredna rešenja kompanijama u različitim industrijama, fokusirajući se u početku na sektor prerade plastike. Tokom godina, kompanija je proširila svoje usluge kako bi podržala preduzeća u automobilskoj, prehrambenoj, hemijskoj i industriji ambalaže. Perotec Sistems je specijalizovan za pomoć ovim kompanijama da reše složene proizvodne probleme, poboljšaju operativnu efikasnost i povećaju ukupnu produktivnost. Sve to postižemo primenom inovativnih procedura prilagođenih jedinstvenim izazovima svake industrije. Pored toga, Perotec Sistems nudi nabavku najsavremenije opreme, obezbeđujući klijentima pristup najnovijoj tehnologiji dostupnoj na tržištu. Kombinovanjem stručnosti u optimizaciji procesa sa najsavremenijim mašinama, Perotec Sistems je postao partner od poverenja za kompanije koje žele da pojednostave svoje poslovanje i ostanu konkurentne na tržištu koje se stalno razvija.

Our Professional Skills

Perotec Systems d.o.o. - Your Trusted Partner in Plastic Processing Solutions

At Perotec Systems d.o.o., we pride ourselves on our exceptional competence in delivering tailored solutions that meet the diverse needs of our clients in the plastic processing industry. With years of experience in injection molding, extrusion, and blow molding, we have built a reputation for providing efficient, high-quality, and financially sound solutions to support our customers' growth and success.

Expertise in Plastic Processing

Our extensive expertise spans across all key areas of plastic processing, including:

• Injection Molding: We have an in-depth understanding of the injection molding process, enabling us to deliver optimized solutions for precision, speed, and cost-efficiency.

• Extrusion: With our experience in extrusion technology, we help customers design and produce a wide variety of plastic products that meet exact specifications while maximizing throughput.

• Blow Molding: We specialize in blow molding, delivering efficient and cost-effective production of hollow plastic products for industries ranging from packaging to automotive.

Efficient, Tailored Solutions

At Perotec Systems d.o.o., we prioritize efficiency in every stage of the project lifecycle, from initial design to final production. Our solutions are optimized to reduce production times, minimize waste, and improve overall efficiency—helping our customers achieve maximum productivity. Our commitment to sustainable practices further ensures that we meet industry standards and contribute to environmental goals.

Financial Expertise and Support

With a keen understanding of the financial aspects of plastic processing, we help clients optimize their investment in technology and resources. We provide cost-effective solutions that balance high-quality outputs with economic efficiency, enabling our clients to meet their financial objectives while maintaining a competitive edge.

Customer-Centric Approach

Our customer support doesn't end with the delivery of our solutions. We maintain close relationships with our clients, offering ongoing support and advice to optimize production processes, improve product quality, and solve any challenges that arise. We believe that our success is directly tied to the success of our customers, and we are dedicated to building long-term partnerships based on trust and reliability.

With Perotec Systems d.o.o., you can count on a team that not only understands the technical and financial complexities of plastic processing but also has the skills and experience to provide effective solutions that drive your business forward.
